Tuesday 20 March 2012

TBR..>The backroom 20/06/2007

And this is where it all "began"....we had our little mumsey group on an online forum, but we had a bit of interest from a character who was a bit on the strange side...so we kinda cyber'ed dumped her - kind of like yanno, running away and hiding behind a tree while some lonely awkward kid calls your name...mean i know,...but she was truly odd.... we affectionately called her Fruitloops....

ANyway....cut and paste here we go: the Virgin Post....20 June 2007.....

"Have rearranged the furniture, put out some snacks and added an extra Lazy Boy Chair for Scarlet. Sorry for missing you out of our other Back Room Chat Scarlet." .... this far on i cant even remember who scarlet was? Sorry Scarlett!

This was the start of our little private chitty chatty coffee group - uninhibited....and very free for all.......

"plasma telly ??" one asks....dreaming wistfully

"mmm what sort of snacks... Choccie????"....
"This is THE Back Room. There can be any snack you want! Garlic Mussels wrapped in Bacon. Mushroom and Bacon savouries. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate shavings on top, whipped cream and no calories. 

Who wants to waste time back here watching TV. We have High Speed Satelite Internet connection with screens for all."

I can see this cutting and pasting is really going to get on my tits! but i can look back on this and laugh  myself silly...even if no one else does....cathartic is i reckon i will be finding stuff that has been tucked away and forgotten about....

"Just had M ask about the lady in the front of the paper getting an injection into her lips. I told her it was called botox or collagen and it is what some ladies have done to make them look sexy. She said well Mum..that sux. My baby has picked up school talk already.

F and Pat were pushing a pushchair each around this morning. F with a doll in hers and P with a bear in his. Looked cute!! Will email the picture we took of them to Mels"

Anyone like sweetpeas? Just had an email through with some new Keith Hammett sweetpeas. Thought this orange one looks gorgeous."

"interesting advise for you A in the front room... i dont know whether to laugh or cry... i do hope you are pissing yourself....Basically telling you to lie down at the front door and write "wipe your feet here" across your forhead! LOFL

OK i am supposed to be doing prep for my little career course tomorrow to asses what kind of career i am destined to do. Oh the possibilities are endless...."

"I was just stroking the fuzzis before I came on here. Seems a shame to stick them on and get them all sharted on.

Smellie is nuts SURELY? I was stunned by her suggestion "A" . Maybe you guys would find some counselling useful? Maybe an objective third party could convince him that words like that are not OK?

Man oh man "E". Back in the day, I used to bring stories home from work. But yours are much much 'better'.

I am sure I said earlier I was not going to sit on here all night...

Well I won't be repeating. I am never really that comfy with gossiping about someone else's misfortune anyway.

Now of course he slams himself into the wall. He fell off the couch before onto his head, and laughed???? He was doing that silly tired thing I think you mentioned "M". Then DH came home and had him running around upstairs in his birthday suit screaming. Good one DH, that's winding him down.

DH has purchased a Sharon O'Neil CD. Not quite what some of you have to put up with. But does he really think that will help our road trips?

I really need to stop coming on here and treating it like a "J" blog. I rant on and on and on.

OHH crap I just posted in the Wrong Back room... and it was a long one - can't be bothered typing it all again... Just details about the house in Backroom Chtp 2 if anyone wants to read...

"P" nice to hear from you... Man like "S" said - takes a certain type of person to do your work... But you know what WE NEED people like you to do the work you do and look after our kids... But I would have to control myself as well not to PUNCH someone...

Hi Ladies, thanks and it's nice to be back. I got a bit of a shock reading back a few pages...there are definitely some newbies with strange opinions...had to double check that I was in the right room.

"T", "P" & "S" - just looking at your little ones pics they look sooo grown up. I was looking in Farmers today for some nice woolly singlets and kept looking at all the little baby stuff, makes me feel quite clucky :-)

I haven't been on here in ages, who else is expecting again?

Can we add some chardonnay to the back room, am quite partial to that at the moment.

God i've missed not having a computer, plus we got rid of Sky (just not watching it enough)...makes me feel like we live in a cave!! Sometimes wonder what I ever did without technology and electrical gadgets.

Anna, Kim - is everything okay with you guys? I think i've probably missed out on heaps. Kim did you get the "computer stuff" sorted?
I can't remember if I've posted this or if so where. J had a massive hissy fit/tantrum yesterday when I went to change his nappy. He was hysterical. Wanted to go and play. I had "A" help hold him down and he just went berserk. Took ages to calm him down. What a temper! Apparantly he had a mini-tantrum in creche at church. A said it gave the other adults a fright because normally he's so quiet. With the triplets running around there tends to be a monopoly on the noise making. They have just had their third birthday and move up to Sunday School. A said it will be amazingly quiet in creche without them.
Sharyn O'Neill????? People actually like Sharyn???? That is one I skip through on my Natures Best DVD.

OK. should get off here. Just waiting for ER. 

Have i ever mentioned i love you guys?

You are sooo there for me and its weirdly fabulous that I have a little world at my fingertips full of genuine friends who i can log on and get advise from? I really do NOT know what i would be doing alone at home in the whops by myself other wise. I really don't.

Came on to tell a quick F story before ER...

She picked her nose and ate it yesterday 

AB fab superb - the things they learn to do...

"A"... jsut dont settle for second best....because it is easy or the path of least resistance...thats all i can really say. IN your earlier post you were almost taking the blame and making it seem your fault that DP is a dipshit? I think my sis was in the same "space " when her orse of an ex split... she had nothing but she got thru it.... there are all sorts of things and assistance from WINZ to help you thru. It might not be luxurious but it will be a start. ALl DS needs is his Mamas love and attention you are resoursefull you could do it.... and be stronger for it...
WTF - DS is awake - i was jsut about to go to bed!

 "A" picked his nose and ate it too yesterday

heres a link to the family councilling through the courts. It pays to find a good councillor that will do family councilling as the ones that you get reffered to arent always that great.

men ard dorks, DH does similar stuff. I havent read in the front room yet but have heard past stuff. I understand what you are saying, you want the family thing but the dork wont play the game.
right off to catch up on the latest smelly comments.

I understand what you are saying, you want the family thing but the dork wont play the game.

Thanks "M"  I love it... "the dork won't play the game"... so nice to know that you know how i am feeling.

Yeah am planning the ultimatum "H".

Hate to dominate the convo like this.

BTW "H" I love reading about your wedding plans...

i pretend to know what btw is but i have no bloody idea!!! haha!
I feel so uncomfotable talking about the wedding plans thoguh when you guys are all going through relationship problems. it feels insensitive and selfish

BTW = by the way.

Me personally, i have NO problem whatsoever with it "H". I am KEEN to hear! Honestly. I've found in the Feb Mum's, a genuine happiness for other people (i find other threads around the EBB, people are not so happy for each other!), everyone's situation is totally valid and worth talking about... IMHO. But i get what you mean.

i know its worth talking about but not AS WORTH talking about, i understand

by the way duuuuuuh


OK i am supposed to be doing prep for my little career course tomorrow to asses what kind of career i am destined to do. Oh the possibilities are endless....

How about proof reader 

Sorry SJM for having a laugh at your expense, but couldn't resist not reacting to that 'asses'.

But serioulsy, I am sooo happy for you and i love weddings and wedding planning and all the rest so keep us updated! What is the actual date? And where are you planning to go for a honeymoon?? Please just tell me that much

Have just had a good cry, given DP's dinner to the dog and firmly bolted the front door from the inside.

awwwww A 
All I cant think about is the wine chocolate and ciggies (mostly the ciggies) you are enjoying, well I hope you are.
big hugs girlie

ANd so that is the end of Day One on our little land of chattie mums

So, start a blog they say?

why, my life is pretty average and normal really,boringly so...but there is inspiration at every turn ....

I first met my inspirerers....is that even a word?  clearly not as its got the big red line of doom underneath it....in cyber space....many moons ago...lets say circa May 2005....i group of women i had never met ....IRL (In real life) with the common bond of motherhood......or pending motherhood....  yanno, in this (even way back then) age of google everything from "why does my cat look at me sideways" to "how can i re-plumb my sink on the cheap" without causing harm - usually driven by that co-habitator that insists he will fix it...yanno the type...anyway...i digress....

I met this eclectic mix of ladies.....and we began a journey together of mummyhood...some of us were virgins to this new territory...some of us were old hands, once, twice, even 4 times bitten,.....but none the less excited bunch of chitty chatties....this blog hopes to bring you some of the humour and funnies, and the humility we have shared along the way....all the while desperately trying to retain our anonymity and save from shame the many at the but of our jokes, anger, frustration ....or is some cases jsut save from public outing fullstop - i hope i am successfull.....

SO......there is a bit of a gap in the proceedings really as i dont have the manuscript from our first "meeting" till  April 2007.....but i will cut and pasts some of ur chats (editing of course along the way - i mean to say who wants to be indentified as that woman who chatted on line about how many times she has had a urinary tract infection or still suffering terribly from a shredded VJJ after a particulary unpleasant birth, or that woman who despite public opinion chose, shock horror, to bottle feed her child...)digressing again

I will interrupt the reminiscing with general babble of my day...days....i wont be offended if you are not interested, often there are days when i am not even excited by the routine of my day...but i have to list through it...so i will share the trauma with others..

and so.....